HPLY, which carries the spirit that flower blossoms while its fruit grows, came into the world in 2009. This brand upholds the integration of fashion and life and follows the most popular trends of the international vogue. Meanwhile, the brand expresses originally the essence of HPLY by the understated Chinese lotus culture. The perfect combination of trends and grace gives the growing brand the humanity characterized by Chinese fashion. 
HPLY(荷比俪)在寻求突破与改变中融入咖啡文化概念, 2016年HPLY CAFÉ就此诞生,集合服装购物与咖啡体验的时尚概念咖啡店,是高端女装品牌HPLY(荷比俪)时尚理念跨界的全新尝试。HPLY CAFÉ以‘萃取新鲜的时尚’作为品牌理念,将时尚和健康融合,重新诠释新时代淑女个性自由的新生活态度。