1964年,在加拿大多伦多旁的宁静小镇 - 汉密尔顿,多伦多枫叶冰球队的传奇后卫 Tim Horton 先生创立了第一家Tims咖啡馆(全称Tim Hortons),现已发展成为全球最有价值的连锁咖啡品牌之一,每年全球热销20亿杯。2019年,全球第4850家Tims咖啡馆落户中国,我们发扬北美传奇咖啡品牌,为顾客提供品质始终如一的高性价比咖啡和新鲜制作的烘焙暖食,以及温馨舒适的环境。
Tim Horton, legendary guard of the Toronto Maple Leaf Hockey Team, founded the first Tims Coffee House (full name Tim Hortons) in Hamilton Canada in 1964. The brand has grown to Top 10 global highest value restaurant brand with annual sales volume of 2 billion cups. In 2019 the first Tims Coffee House opened in Shanghai China. Recognized as North America Signature Coffee brand, we aim to serve our guests with consistently high-quality coffee, freshly prepared bakery and food offerings in warm and cozy settings.